Sunday, January 24, 2010


Being an art major, I have appreciation for artists and works of art. The book Alphab'art introduces letters and artists to children of all ages. Adults and older children can appreciate learning the works of art, while younger children can search for the letter hidden in the work. This book reminds me of the "Where's Waldo" books except it is an art version. I found the works of art very beautiful, but I think I have a greater appreciation then what a ten year old would have. There are many other fun and brightly colored alphabet books that I do not think most children would select this book. I think that its is a creative idea and would interest adults while they are reading with their child. I did not like how there is an answer key in the back of the book that lists where the letters are hidden in each page. I was under the impression that there was more then one right answer. However, I did like that in the back of the book lists more information about the works of art and information about the artists. If I was an art teacher I would have this book in my collection, but for the standard classroom teacher I think there are better options.

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