Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Prog Frince: A Mixed-Up Tale By C. Drew Lamm

One can tell from the cover that the little girl is not happy because of her facial expression. There is a frog laughing and sticking his tongue out at the girl. This tells the reader right away that there is something going on between those two characters before even reading the book. The end paper is navy blue which does not match the cover, but it makes the dust jacket flap standout. One the flap, there is a helpful summary of the book that explains why the picture book is a fractured version of other fairy tales. The dedication on the dedication page is unique because it is in poem form. If I were to make this into a classroom activity, I would have my students do the same. I think it is a very creative idea to have the dedication be in a poem format. The illustrations in this book are very detailed, but the colors are simple. The layout is very formal-there is a picture and text on each page. What makes the illustrations more interesting to the reader is when there are multiple pictures that break up the text on the same page. The characters in the book are dressed in old fashion clothing and the royal family illustrations revel a lot about their wealth. I think that the younger students could tell a lot about the story through the images. Even though the images are "old fashion" looking because of the clothes, I think it gives the story more of a fairy tale feeling to it.

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